An early start to take advantage of the cool morning. A few hours work and what was once a pile of steel and boxes of screws and rivets is now essentially a school just waiting for its students.
One of the things that never ceases to surprise me on a Maranatha project is the different feelings I have at the beginning and end. At the outset I often feel a bit overwhelmed looking at what seems a daunting task. I wonder how in the world are we going to get that pile of steel to become a school or church in so little time and yet as we finish a project like this school here in Hugelli, India I am amazed again at how it all comes together. I forget day one and celebrate day 6! The school is for all intents and purposes finished. There are a few finishing touches that the wonderful Maranatha crew will quickly wrap up, but there is now a beautiful six room school that will be a beacon of hope in the village. Praise God!!!
And let's not overlook the interesting coincidence here.....God worked six days and rested the seventh.....and while it is not Sabbath it is indeed good to be finished and ready for some rest!!
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