So spent a few hours running around Delhi today before I head to Bangalore later this evening. Two things stand out regarding Delhi.
First, the utter chaos that is driving here. Even my driver said it was crazy. He said "no one obeys the traffic laws"....and I was thinking...you actually have those here???
But the more you observe the ebb and flow of things vehicular here the more you realize that it all works....somehow it flows and people get where they are going. Only thing I don't get is what the point of endlessly honking one's horn actually accomplishes. Perhaps it is simply a stress reliever like squeezing one of those squishy things I see back home....=)
The second thing that struck me was the stark contrast between the have's and have nots.
We would be driving through an area that was just dirt poor and make a quick turn and be in a completely different world of beautiful, large homes...with plenty of high walls with plenty of barbed wire to keep out those poor people around the corner.
I went in to a huge mall to get my requisite Hard Rock t shirt and again, just outside the mall were folks that were desperately trying to just get enough money to buy food....and again the walls and barbed wire to keep those folks from disrupting the clean, air conditioned shopping experience inside the mall.........
So next stop Bangalore this evening.
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