Leaving Varanasi in a couple of hours and after almost a week of non-stop sight seeing and flying around India today's relaxed morning was really quite nice. I slept in and then took a leisurely stroll around the beautiful grounds of the palace. Then a yummy Indian breakfast followed by a relaxing cup of Masala Chai tea. Quite a nice way to start the day.
Varanasi has been at times frantic and at other times simply awe inspiring. It has been steeped in culture and history and I feel blessed to have been here. Having said that I am also a bit unsettled by the stark contrasts here.
India seems to be a country of contrasts. The folks that have, have alot, and those that don't aren't simply poor, they appear destitute. As I had my breakfast from the buffet earlier I found I had taken too much food....and was acutely aware that the amount of food left on my plate while minimal by western standards, was perhaps more than many of the poor here in India would get for an entire day....and I felt guilty. I am reminded that I need to much more conscious of things like this.
I believe what I find most disagreeable is being waited on. I realize that much of this apparent concern for my experience may be cultural, but I find it very unpleasant that because I happen to have more and earn more than many people that I am somehow entitled to deferential treatment...as if I am somehow above others. That just is not right...and yet one can't refuse all the fuss without offending and creating a fuss....so I go along with it and feel uncomfortable.
Next stop Hyderabad.
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